Tuesday 6 February 2018

How to Impress Influential Bloggers the Right Way

I received a few more lame guest post pitches this morning. Note; I have compassion for these bloggers. I have been in their shoes, struggling to grow my readership.
But wasting your time doing silly stuff like blind pitching strangers adds years to your blogging learning curve. Never mind the struggles you face doing such fear-based stuff.
My friend Alonzo Pichardo and I recorded our latest online success chat – keep an eye out for the Online Success Chats Podcast coming soon – to help you connect with online influencers.
Watch it here:
We explain how to connect with influencers effectively by helping them without looking for anything in return plus we discuss how to keep things personal and why this benefits you.
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is all the rage these days.
But most people do influencer marketing all wrong.
Take the lame pitches I received today. Strangers to me with few writing skills – based on the pitch emails – tried to land guest posts on Blogging From Paradise.
This is like a Junior Varsity, unskilled basketball player calling the front office of the New York Knicks to ask for a spot on the roster.
It takes years of practice or
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17061/how-to-impress-influential-bloggers-the-right-way

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/02/06/how-to-impress-influential-bloggers-the-right-way/

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