Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The blue-collar WordPress worker and the 2,500+ websites built to grow the CMS

I’m not foolish enough to think that the entirety of WordPress’ growth is driven by our love for the software, but that we consultants are responsible for a sizeable portion of it. A portion that shouldn’t be ignored and one that should be welcome to the discussion more often. Under-represented. Perhaps.
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I know many of you are like me, we don’t run 100+ person agencies, we don’t have 1mil+ plugin downloads, and we haven’t been contributing code to core for the last decade. However, what we do share in common is a life of servicing customers in the online business space. Servicing customers or our local community by way of building websites — helping organizations amplify their message.
This act of service is deeply rooted in using our favorite tool, WordPress.
Sure, we’re talking less and less about the tech side of things lately, but we know that it delivers a massive advantage as a platform to our customers. An advantage that might not matter to them in the short-term, but in the long-term sustainability of their business.
While many might join the ranks of offering WordPress services simply for the
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16604/the-blue-collar-wordpress-worker-and-the-2-500-websites-built-to-grow-the-cms

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/the-blue-collar-wordpress-worker-and-the-2500-websites-built-to-grow-the-cms/

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