Sunday, 29 January 2017

7 Elements You Should Know About Launching Your Membership Site

Over the last couple of years, membership sites have been popping up in the WordPress world. Launching a membership site seems to be a growing trend. Or should I say the idea of a membership site is growing. If you aren’t familiar with the concept of a membership site, it’s pretty simple. Create a site with valuable, exclusive content that is available only through a paywall to members who are charged a monthly fee to access it. But that is really where the simple stops.
You will hear from some people that a membership site is easy money. But what they are often talking about is the setup of the site with WordPress. What steps to take. What plugin to use. You know, the technical stuff.
Setting up a membership site in WordPress is the easy part, or should I say, one of the easier parts.
While this information is valuable, the harder part comes in identifying your audience, thinking out your strategy, and laying the groundwork for a successful launch.
That said, here are seven things you need to know before launching a membership site.
1. Carefully define your niche
This might seem obvious, but I still see people making this mistake. Competition is fierce out there and you


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