Tuesday, 31 January 2017

WP-AppKit Tutorial: create a custom homescreen

You want your app’s homepage to be more than a simple page or post list? Here’s how to create a fully customized home screen for your app. Along with building a custom homepage, this tutorial is also a good occasion to put into practice some of the key notions of WP-AppKit theme customization:
Starting Point
Let’s build our homepage on the following basis:
We have 2 categories for our WordPress posts: “Blog” and “Tutorials“, and we’d like to display the 3 last posts of each of those categories on the app’s homepage: first the 3 last “Blog” posts, then the 3 last “Tutorials” posts.
The 2 categories will also have their own “post list” screen in the app, displaying all posts from respectively “Blog” and “Tutorials” categories, with the corresponding “Blog” and “Tutorials” entries in app navigation.
So we consider that we have 2 components (type “Post List”, taxonomy Category) added to our app in WordPress Back Office: first component labelled “Blog” with component slug “blog”, and second named “Tutorials”
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14304/wp-appkit-tutorial-create-a-custom-homescreen

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/wp-appkit-tutorial-create-a-custom-homescreen/

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