On Friday evening, @jcastaneda, @poena and I met with Matt to discuss the future of the theme repository on WordPress.org. @greenshady had to drop out last minute since Matt wanted to do a voice call and Justin was unable to due to his internet connection. We asked Jose to join so that we would not need to delay the call any longer. Matt wanted to know more about the Theme Review team. We mentioned our plans with automation, problems with the previews, and how the portability of content affects users. We also mentioned that the common issues in themes are security, code errors and prefixing.
A suggestion that we got back was that we should check if themes could be prevented from being activated if there are PHP fatal errors, like it is done with plugins.
The reason for having the meeting now and not at the community summit is so that we can start working on improvements before the community summit.
Matt’s goal for the theme repository is to make it the main place for users to search and find themes.
Matt is interested in seeing how the repository reacts if we remove the manual review process and switch to a process where user feedback helps rank the themes.
Amazon was an example
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14709/chat-with-matt-about-the-future-of-theme-repo
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/03/28/chat-with-matt-about-the-future-of-theme-repo/
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