Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Regular WordPress Security Maintenance Checks To Be Done For Secured Optimum Site

Two Crucial Things of WordPress website: WordPress security and WordPress maintenance We all know professional websites need to be maintained regularly. Apart from the general maintenance task, some WordPress security related tasks must be done regularly.
There are certain WordPress security checks you can do by yourself. Performing this WordPress security maintenance regularly will improve your WordPress security by 10% every month.
In this post am going to share the common WordPress security checks can be done by yourself in the regular WordPress maintenance process.
Improving WordPress Security Is A Chore
As I always mention WordPress Security is not a single click process it is something to be done regularly. Reducing errors at each stage and moving the website one step closer to the safest zone. Say for every WordPress website security maintenance you improve your website security by 5% to 10% your website is becoming more perfect.

“Secured websites are not just made over night, secured websites are attained by regular maintenance”
-WP Team Support
Some basic fixes can be done by yourself to make your website safe and secure. Brianna on her Cybersecurity statistics


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