Friday, 21 July 2017

Safe Updates now come with an automatic restore

Since we released the Safe Updates feature we have gotten a lot of positive feedback from you all. Making updates safer is something that we have been prioritizing recently, and right now we are back with an additional perk; the rollback option. In a nutshell, if we detect any type of issue during the update, you are now able to enjoy a fully automatic rollback to its original state. Safe Updates ensures your update of WordPress core, plugins and themes is safer than ever. Let’s quickly recap how Safe Updates are performed.
It’s a 7 step process:
Step one – creating a restore point for your website
Step two is sending HTTP requests to the website before the actual update to make sure everything is working smoothly on your website
Step three – creates a before screenshots of your website
Step four is running the updates
Step five we send a HTTP request again to check your website response after the update
Step six we take an after update screenshot of your website
Step seven is your option to go in and see the screenshot comparison
What’s the rollback option?
The rollback option is an automatic restore in case something goes wrong during the update. The


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