Friday, 27 October 2017

One thousand and one way to extend Gutenberg today

If there’s one and only one feature that made WordPress gain 30% of the web’s market share, this feature would be Extensibility. What is WordPress without Yoast? What is WordPress without ACF? Without JetPack? WooCommerce? Without Akismet? Without Contact Form 7? What is WordPress without Hello Dolly? It’s nothing but another niche CMS with way less than its current market share. So yes, Extensibility is key, and we can’t build the next generation of the WordPress Editor without making it extensible. What does "making it extensible" mean? Does this mean providing hooks and filters in JavaScript the same way we do in PHP? Does this mean allowing plugins to extend and tweak any UI component used by Gutenberg? Does this mean adding filters to the REST API? Does this mean Giving access to an Editor object to manipulate the editor’s content?
There’s no clear answer to all these questions. Extensibility is a very difficult problem and unless you build it with real use-cases in mind, you’re more likely to get it wrong. (and being stuck with it for a long time).
So let’s take a look a closer look at Extensibility in Gutenberg and what we can achieve as a third party plugin right now.


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