Monday, 23 October 2017

Premmerce WooCommerce Brands Free Plugin

Premmerce WooCommerce Brands plugin makes it possible to create an unlimited number of brands that can be assigned to the products for better cataloging, product search and additional opportunities for marketing and brand promotion. The brands in this plugin are created as a separate taxonomy, which allows you to use all the benefits of WordPress with taxonomies and all the features for SEO from YoastSEO.
This plugin interacts very well with the other Premmerce plugins, such as:
Premmerce WooCommerce Toolkit (Coming Soon);
The main features of the Premmerce WooCommerce Brands:
Creating, editing and deleting brands;
Assigning a brand to a product;
Shortcode for displaying the list of brands;
Displaying the page of a particular brand and the possibility to sort products by category;
Widget for displaying the selected brands on the site;
Semantic markup for the brand on the product page.
You can install this plugin from the official WordPress plugin directory or download and install it manually from our repository on GitHub.
The brand management page in the admin panel
The brand management page is in the Products section. Here is the example:
Creating a brand
To create a brand,


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