Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Pixelgrade Transparency Report #6

We could write a novel about the last six months, but we’ll keep it for another time. What’s essential to know is we acknowledged and accepted that the beauty of being entrepreneurs and makers is paired with challenges of all sorts. We make no exception, that’s for sure. Overview
We’ve experienced first hand how hard it is to change behaviors, and shift mentalities, but it’s mandatory in building a consistent, healthy team, ready to face all kinds of endeavors, especially when you dream big and plan to achieve spectacular results.
Our feeling is that we’re getting there, but we still need to make small tweaks with time and continuous effort from our side. All in all, in this Transparency Report you can get a clue about the ups-and-downs we encountered. Grab a coffee, enjoy the reading, and share your thoughts!
Product and support
a new subscription business model for Pixelgrade Club
two new themes released: Fargo (photography) and Felt (magazine)
an intense session of theme updates to keep our products up and kicking
a well-improved plugin to help customers have a great onboarding and self-service experience: Pixelgrade Care
a dynamic blog with 10


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