Tuesday, 12 December 2017

WP Dispensary – two years after the launch, let’s look at what’s new!

Over the last two years, the WP Dispensary WordPress plugin has changed my entire life. In these last two years, WP Dispensary has gone from being just a “thing” I built to a thing that powers hundreds of websites for cannabis businesses around the world.
It’s also become my full time job, giving me the ability to leave 10+ years of freelancing behind.
I’d like to look back over these last two years, what WP Dispensary has done and where I plan on pushing it in the future.
How it all started
For those of you who aren’t aware of WP Dispensary or how it came to be, let’s take a little trip back.
In 2015 I built the Leafly Reviews plugin for WordPress.
It would grab reviews for dispensaries on Leafly via their (now closed) API and display them on a WordPress site via widget or shortcode.
When I released the plugin, it was a pivotal moment in my life because it was my first open source plugin release and it was part of an industry that was severely under served (it still is, IMO).
Unfortunately, a few months after it’s release, Leafly decided to close down it’s API, for what I can only assume was to compete with how other larger dispensary
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16788/wp-dispensary-two-years-after-the-launch-let-s-look-at-what-s-new

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/12/12/wp-dispensary-two-years-after-the-launch-lets-look-at-whats-new/

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