Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Blair Williams and MemberPress – How I Built It

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Intro: Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of How I Built It! In today’s episode, I chat with Blair Williams, a WordPress veteran with lots of great plugins. We’ll talk specifically about MemberPress and what it’s like creating that, the decision making that went into their pricing, wp-cron, and lots more. We’ll get into it next, but first, a word from our sponsors.
Sponsors: This season of How I Built It is brought to you by two fantastic sponsors. The first is Liquid Web. If you’re running a membership site, an online course, or even a real estate site on word press, you’ve likely already discovered many hosts that have optimized their platforms for a logged out experience, where they cash everything. Sites on their hardware are great for your sales and landing pages, but struggle when your users start logging in. At that point, your site is as slow as if you were on three dollar hosting. Liquid Web built their managed word press platform optimized for sites that want speed and performance, regardless of whether a customer
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17092/blair-williams-and-memberpress-how-i-built-it

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/blair-williams-and-memberpress-how-i-built-it/

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