Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Talking to Your Clients About the WordPress Gutenberg Editor

If you’re a designer or developer who uses WordPress, then you might have heard about the new Gutenberg Editor. It’s slated to be released in WordPress 5.0 and promises to be a game-changer for the world’s most-used CMS. This is quite big news for those of us in the industry. There’s been controversy and lots of lively debate as the project has progressed.
But for the average site owner (aka client), it’s much less likely that they have heard anything at all about the new editor. And that’s a pretty big deal in its own right. While web professionals certainly need to know the inner workings of Gutenberg, it’s just as important that non-technical users have an idea of what’s coming. Otherwise, they’re in for an awfully big surprise once WordPress 5.0 is released into the wild.
Part of the problem is that WordPress news in general is geared more towards developers. And while those who upgraded to version 4.9 may have seen a message regarding Gutenberg’s impending arrival, the odds are that the upgrade was either installed by a developer or the resulting “welcome” message was simply ignored by the user.
Because of
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17093/talking-to-your-clients-about-the-wordpress-gutenberg-editor

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/talking-to-your-clients-about-the-wordpress-gutenberg-editor/

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