Tuesday 10 October 2017

Gutenberg Engineer Matías Ventura Unpacks the Vision for Gutenblocks, Front-End Editing, and the Future of WordPress Themes

In a post titled Gutenberg, or the Ship of Theseus, Matías Ventura breaks down the vision for how the project will transform WordPress’ content creation experience and the decisions the team has made along the way. Ventura describes how WordPress has become difficult to customize, as online publishing has embraced rich media and web design has evolved in complexity over the years. “WordPress can build incredible sites, yet the usability and clarity that used to be a driving force for its adoption has been fading away,” Ventura said. “The present reality is that many people struggle using WordPress as a tool for expression.”
Ventura’s words hint at the growing threats from competitors whose interfaces define users’ current expectations for a front-end editing experience. If WordPress is to stay afloat in a sea of competitors, it can no longer continue expanding its capabilities while leaving a disconnect between what users see while editing in the admin versus what is displayed on the frontend.
“WordPress has always been about the user experience, and that needs to continue to evolve under newer demands,” Ventura said. “Gutenberg
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16278/gutenberg-engineer-mat-as-ventura-unpacks-the-vision-for-gutenblocks-front-end-editing-and-the-future-of-wordpress-themes

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/gutenberg-engineer-matias-ventura-unpacks-the-vision-for-gutenblocks-front-end-editing-and-the-future-of-wordpress-themes/

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