Tuesday, 18 October 2016

WP REST API Content Endpoints Conditionally Approved for Merge in 4.7

The WP REST API team and WordPress core contributors met tonight to decide whether to merge the content endpoints in 4.7. After the merge proposal was published a week ago, several core developers expressed concern regarding the brokered authentication scheme and the team has since decided to remove it from the proposal in favor of focusing on it for the 4.8 development cycle. Discussion at the meeting tonight centered around six topics: security, performance, user feedback, if merging will negatively impact API development, whether content endpoints will benefit core development, and whether those endpoints belong on every WordPress site. The team also discussed possible ways to measure the success of the project once it has been merged into core.
Contributors agreed on a conditional approval for merging the endpoints, provided that the team address outstanding questions on object meta and that others outside of the REST API team provide a proof of concept for how WordPress core can use the endpoints. These conditions must be met before the enhancement deadline next Wednesday.
“Making something work in core does not mean committing it to trunk,” WordPress 4.7 release lead
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13650/wp-rest-api-content-endpoints-conditionally-approved-for-merge-in-4-7

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/wp-rest-api-content-endpoints-conditionally-approved-for-merge-in-4-7/

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