Thursday, 20 April 2017

10 Reasons Why Your Domains and WordPress Should Be Kept Separate

There are several popular providers that offer both domains and hosting for WordPress. For over a decade, the standard advice has suggested you should forgo convenience and keep your domains and hosting separate. It makes sense to house your site in the same place where you got your domain, especially since many providers offer seamless user interfaces for managing them both and some also offer free domains when you purchase hosting.
On the other hand, there are many caveats that could make this seemingly natural pairing turn sour including security risks and lack of stability. That’s why it has been a standard practice to purchase hosting and domains from different companies.
But is this practice still relevant?
Below, I’ll go through 10 reasons why you should consider keeping your hosting and domains separate, and also give you a definitive answer on whether it’s still considered good practice for WordPress.
Reason #1: Organization
Many WordPress developers host test sites across multiples servers and providers in order to test their plugins, themes and scripts for compatibility.
It can make sense to get a domain for your site and all from the same provider, but


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