Thursday, 22 June 2017

Gutenberg: First Impressions – Matt Cromwell

Gutenberg is the future of content in WordPress. It will deliver the elegance of Medium but with far more power and flexibility of layouts and content types At WordCamp US 2016, Matt Mullenweg announced that new point releases of WordPress would have specific foci around features of WordPress. In the same breath he also announced that he wanted WordPress to have a renewed focus on the post writing experience. He acknowledged how content editing has changed and evolved a lot over the years while the WordPress editor has changed relatively little. I listened to that whole announcement with baited breath because I’ve been longing for a totally revamped way to write content for a long time.
First I took a stab at showing highly styled content directly in the editor
I emphasized how the except can (and should) be used as content in posts
Then I collaborated with Kevin Hoffman on displayed theme-based dynamic styles directly in TinyMCE
All these things were for me tiny efforts to make the backend editing experience more closely emulate the front-end results.
So when the first announcement came out about Gutenberg being about “little blocks” I was excited. This sounded like


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