Tuesday, 27 June 2017

What’s Missing in WordPress.org Plugin and Theme Directories

Did you know that we’re only three people here at Nelio? And, yet, our posts are pretty cool, huh? That’s because of our new plugin, Nelio Content! Do you want to use it too? As Antonio explained you last week, we attended the biggest WordPress event in Europe—WordCamp Europe 2017. If you couldn’t be there, I’m happy to announce that they’re currently publishing the videos in WordPress.tv, so go ahead and don’t miss anything .
One of the things I like the most about this WCEU was the fact that it started with the Contributor Day. Usually, talks take place during the first day(s) of a WordCamp and CD is on the latest. This time, however, the organizers did it the other way around, and I loved it! Starting with the contributions to WordPress means you’re less tired, you feel more productive, and it’s easier to know new people.
This first day wasn’t only about contributions, but also talks and meetups. One of these talks was mine: “WordPress Plugin and Theme Directories Don’t Love Developers”. The title is slightly click-bait, but that’s because I wanted to open a discussion that we must have. So, whilst we wait for
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15418/what-s-missing-in-wordpress-org-plugin-and-theme-directories

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/06/27/whats-missing-in-wordpress-org-plugin-and-theme-directories/

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