Wednesday, 16 August 2017

A Deep Dive Into WordPress User Roles and Capabilities

Anytime a site viewer signs-up for an account, or you manually add a new user in Admin Users Screen, WordPress registers essential user data in wp_users and wp_usermeta tables. The new user gets the username of his choice, a password, an email address, a role which determines what she can view in the admin panel. But what exactly are WordPress user roles? WordPress User Roles and Capabilities
The WordPress user management system is based on two key concepts: Roles and Capabilities.
A Role identifies a group of users who are allowed to execute the same tasks onto the website.
A Capability is the ability (or permission) to perform each single task assigned to a role.
Out of the box, WordPress comes with six roles:
Super Administrator is a user who has full access to multisite features: she can create and manage sub-sites, create and manage network users, install and remove themes and plugins and enable them on the network.
Administrator is a user who has full access to the administration features of a regular WordPress installation.
Editor is a user who can edit and publish content created by any user.
Author can publish and edit his own content.
Contributor can create and edit but not


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