What went wrong with Gutenberg and its possible fix What went wrong with Gutenberg and possible fix
Gutenberg — the new editor for WordPress generally received bad reviews. People shitted on it mercilessly. The new editor tried to change the TinyMCE which has been a staple of WordPress since the beginning.
People resist change. This is what happened. Microsoft pissed off a large amount of user when they introduced new “Start Menu” — the concept of the metro wasn’t bad but the majority of UX was super bad and hard to use in the desktop environment. They finally got the Start menu right in windows 10. Similar to the old start menu but with better UX & UI. They are of statement functionality as well as live tiles in the side. Also not metro apps.
WordPress’s new editor is getting similar treatment. Though the concept is good it has bad UX/UI. It most possibly will break existing plugin/theme functionality. This new editor will not only confuse old user but also a new user. Though I’m not sure, it will most possibly break page builders or post layouts that are heavily dependent on short-codes — like Visual Composer or Site Origin Builder.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15943/what-went-wrong-with-gutenberg-and-its-possible-fix
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/08/24/what-went-wrong-with-gutenberg-and-its-possible-fix/
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