Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Gutenberg Updates: 1.0 is out! (August 29)

There’s been some discussions on this, and ultimately it seemed better to not let numbers set expectations and prevent us from continuing with the same cadence. Next week it will be 1.1 and so on. Restored keyboard navigation with more robust implementation, addressing previous browser issues.
Added drag and drop for media with pointer to create new blocks.
Merged paragraph and cover text blocks (includes the colors and font size options).
Reworked color palette picker with a “clear” and a “custom color” option.
Further improvements to inline pasting and fixing errant empty blocks.
Added thumbnail size selector to image blocks.
Added support for url input and align and edit buttons to audio block.
Persist the state of the sidebar across page refresh.
Persist state of sidebar panels on page refresh.
Persist editor mode on page refresh.
New withAPIData higher-order component for making it easier to manage data needs.
Preserve unknown block and remove “freeform” comment delimiters (unrecognized HTML is handled without comment delimiters).
Other changes:
Show “add new term” in hierarchical taxonomies (including categories).
Show tooltip
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15997/gutenberg-updates-1-0-is-out-august-29

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/08/29/gutenberg-updates-1-0-is-out-august-29/

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