Dwayne McDaniel gives an update on the progress post-Contributor Day, a recap of our revised vision, and current state of our tasks. We got a LOT of stuff done this weekend for WCUS Contributor Day. (Slack Timestamp)
One of the biggest changes we made was simplifying into one team again, removing the idea of the subgroups. As a result we merged all the Trello boards (except Marketing Meta for now) into a single board. This “new board” lives here.
We did a list scrub after the event.
Don’t worry; we did not delete a single card or anything.
However we moved a LOT of old cards into either Wish List (for things no one has ever touched after card creation) and into the new Backlog/Stalled Projects list.
The qualification for the move into those lists was a card had no new comments or evidence of ongoing effort for the last 90 days.
If a card was moved in error, let’s move it back. If a card needs revamped as we move forward to better serve our new collective vision of being the copy and marketing strategy resource armada of the whole WP community, then let’s make that happen! Again, nothing was deleted.
So, the numbers as they stand at the moment for cards
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16750/marketing-team-contributor-day-2017-recap
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/marketing-team-contributor-day-2017-recap/
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