Monday, 5 February 2018

7 simple tricks to prevent your WordPress website from being hacked

Many hacks go by without notice and with the problem rectified before any serious harm is done, while some security breaches hit the world’s largest corporations, creating PR disasters and lengthy periods of downtime. || There’s no escaping the fact that thousands of websites get hacked every day.
Many hacks go by without notice and with the problem rectified before any serious harm is done, while some security breaches hit the world’s largest corporations, creating PR disasters and lengthy periods of downtime.
If your WordPress website gets hacked, you’ll not only lose an invaluable channel for new business; Google may also remove it entirely from their index.
Google blacklists over 30,000 hacked websites every day, and, while WordPress is a perfectly secure platform, there are still plenty of steps you can take to bolster the security of your website.
In this blog post, we’re going to look at seven ways you can do just that.
1. Keep your core files up-to-date
One of the most important things every WordPress website owner should do is ensure that the platform itself is always up-to-date.
WordPress security team and its contributors patch the system at regular


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