Friday, 30 March 2018

All designers now can get access to Invision

As was posted a few weeks ago and covered in the weekly design meeting, @johnmaeda working with Invision, has arranged for us all to have access! This is really cool and a great opportunity for this community. I am sure I reflect everyone’s feelings in saying a big thank you to everyone that helped make this happen This is such an amazing thing for an open source project to have this kind of tool for everyone to use. Invision is a shared tool that can really help us all working on .org projects. It is a powerful prototyping system and you can learn more about it here.
To get access, first you must be a member of the design Trello board. You can join that board using this handy link. Once there, one of the board maintainers will give you access to the board. If you don’t find you are given it please ask on, using Slack and in #design. New and existing members can then follow these steps to get access to
Once in, go to the Trello section titled: “Invision access”.
Add a ‘new card’, make the title ‘Please give me access’.
Click into the new card you made, in the description add your name, username


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