Tuesday, 27 December 2016

How to Setup Free WordPress Push Notifications

Push notifications, also referred to as web push notifications, have gained a lot of popularity among online businesses and marketers over the last couple years. These present another way to capture your audience, increase return visitors, and in most cases have shown drastically higher CTR and engagements vs that of your typical newsletter signups. Today we are going to dive into what exactly WordPress push notifications are, how they can help you expand your website’s reach, and how to add quickly add them to your site. A typical setup takes less than 10 minutes! Push notification technology is rapidly evolving from a simple message delivery system to a rich and interactive medium. – OneSignal
Push Notifications
So first off, what exactly are push notifications? WordPress push notifications allow you to automatically notify your audience when you have published new content on your site. Or you can send out predefined messages at any time. This can be a notification on a phone or via a browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Push notifications were originally introduced for Android and iOS devices in 2009 and have been spreading to other platforms ever since. If we
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14087/how-to-setup-free-wordpress-push-notifications

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/27/how-to-setup-free-wordpress-push-notifications/

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