Wednesday, 17 May 2017

How to Optimize Images for Web and Performance

Trust us, you don’t want Google to hate your website. Fortunately, you can reduce your image’s file sizes to help improve your website’s performance. One problem with formatting them is that modifications often reduce their quality (which in turn might make the visitor hate your website). That’s not a bad thing as long as you don’t make them ugly. There are some tricks and techniques that let you reduce the image’s file size and still keep them pretty enough to proudly display them on your website. So let’s take a look at how to format your images without making them ugly, as well as how to optimize images for web and performance. The Benefits of Formatting Your Images
First, why do you need to format your images? What are the benefits? There are numerous benefits of optimizing your images for performance. According to HTTP Archive, as of April 2017, images make up on average 66% of a total webpage’s weight. So when it comes to optimizing your WordPress site, images is by far the first place you should start! It’s more important than scripts and fonts. And ironically, a good image optimization workflow is one of the easiest things


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