Tuesday, 30 May 2017

WordPress Core JavaScript Framework Debate Heats Up, Contributors Narrow Discussion to React vs. Vue

WordPress core contributors met this morning to continue the discussion on selecting a new JavaScript framework for use with new core features. The discussion on the Make/Core post intensified over the weekend with more Vue.js proponents commenting to add their thoughts. Adam Silverstein and Andrew Duthie facilitated this morning’s meeting and began by opening up the discussion to include other frameworks such as Preact, Angular, and Ember. However, the discussion quickly narrowed to React vs Vue.
Silverstein encouraged participants to remember that the new framework is for use with new features such as the new editor and that they will continue to use Backbone when it is the right tool, as well as in existing JavaScript. He also emphasized that the discussion pertains to a framework for core and developers are free to use whatever framework they choose to build plugins or themes.
Vue.js Proponents Consider “Ease of Learning” an Important Factor in Selecting a New Framework
Ease of learning is not among the criteria contributors identified for selecting a new framework, but it is one of the major concerns for Vue.js proponents.
“Vue can do everything that React
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15236/wordpress-core-javascript-framework-debate-heats-up-contributors-narrow-discussion-to-react-vs-vue

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/wordpress-core-javascript-framework-debate-heats-up-contributors-narrow-discussion-to-react-vs-vue/

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