Tuesday, 19 September 2017

How to Test Your Plugins With the Upcoming Gutenberg Editor

One of the benefits of working with WordPress is its maturity as a platform. However, the reason it has stayed so relevant is the project’s adaptability. Recently, there have been great strides towards a switching to a brand new editor called Gutenberg. As with any major software change, you’ll want to make sure your existing plugins and themes will be compatible with this new editor. Thankfully, the code for the Gutenberg editor is now available as a public plugin in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory. This means you can download and install it to get a feel for any major compatibility issues in your WordPress-related projects.
In this article, we’ll first introduce you to the general Gutenberg project. Then, we’ll show you how to test your WordPress projects and ensure they play well together. Let’s get to work!
Introducing the Gutenberg WordPress Editor Plugin
is a recent push towards building a new standard editor for WordPress. Its stated goal is to “make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable.” While Gutenberg still has a way to go before its usability issues are sorted out, the core elements of the plugin are ready for
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16139/how-to-test-your-plugins-with-the-upcoming-gutenberg-editor

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/09/19/how-to-test-your-plugins-with-the-upcoming-gutenberg-editor/

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