Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Why Vue.js Creator Evan You Thinks Vue Could Be a Good Fit for WordPress

After last week’s news that WordPress is abandoning React due to its unfavorable patents clause, the discussion regarding the selection of a new framework is heating up again. As Vue is once again among the leading contenders, I reached out to Vue.js creator Evan You to get his perspective on the possibility of WordPress adopting the framework. “Yes, I had a conversation with the WordPress team mostly answering questions they had about Vue,” You said. “The discussion happened before Matt’s announcement of moving away from React. It was mostly intended for filling the team in with the state of Vue and there was no particular conclusion made from it.
“To be honest, I got the feeling that the team had already decided to go with React and simply wanted to explore other options before they make the final call. I was a bit surprised by Matt’s post, but also understand the concerns behind that decision. I think React is a technically sound choice, and the whole patent issue is unfortunate.”
Vue is back in the mix alongside Preact.js and other libraries WordPress core contributors are considering adopting. You has been active in the comments on
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16141/why-vue-js-creator-evan-you-thinks-vue-could-be-a-good-fit-for-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/09/19/why-vue-js-creator-evan-you-thinks-vue-could-be-a-good-fit-for-wordpress/

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