Monday, 25 September 2017

Yoast: WordPress UI Library Choice: Extensibility Over Interoperability

In the upcoming weeks, WordPress will choose a UI rendering framework. I’ve heard many claims plugin / theme developers will still be able to use whatever they like, regardless of what WordPress chooses. I think we shouldn’t count on that, nor should we focus on providing interoperability at this point. Instead we should focus first on providing simple, reliable and flexible ways to extend the interface. Let’s make sure plugins can integrate well in the first place. We’re putting the frontend in charge of rendering
With the new Gutenberg editor we’re changing the way the WordPress admin is being built. Where we now render the interface with PHP, we will start rendering more and more on the client side with JavaScript. After the editor, this is likely to become true for most of the admin. That means that if you want to integrate with the admin interface, you’ll have to integrate with the JavaScript that renders the interface. If WordPress chooses Vue, you’ll have to feed WordPress Vue components to render. If WordPress chooses React, you’ll have to feed WordPress React components to render. These things don’t go together. React doesn’t


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