Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Advanced Custom Fields and Gutenberg

WordPress 5.0 ships with a new editor called Gutenberg. Here at WebDevStudios, we’re excited to build custom editorial solutions using Gutenberg and to see how the experience evolves from the classic editor. With that said, we’re huge fans of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). It provides a robust set of field types that enables us to create flexible and friendly content management solutions for our clients. The time we save from writing, testing, and maintaining code with ACF makes it worth paying for an ACF PRO license. Our wd_s starter theme includes commonly-used content blocks built on ACF.
ACF 5.8 has added support for Gutenberg. You can add ACF fields to a Gutenberg block without any JavaScript code. In this article, you will learn how to build a custom Gutenberg block for hero area using ACF without writing a single line of JavaScript code.
Adventurous, right?
ACF and Gutenberg
To build custom blocks using Gutenberg, you must be familiar with writing Modern JavaScript using the latest syntax (ES6, ES7, ES8, JSX), as well as creating components using React. To see this in action, here are some code examples to demonstrate a classic “Hello World” example for
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18202/advanced-custom-fields-and-gutenberg

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/12/11/advanced-custom-fields-and-gutenberg/

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