Monday, 10 December 2018

How to Display Dynamic Sidebars and Widgets to Reduce Bounce Rate

Today we’ll be diving into the topic of dynamic sidebars and widgets (those that are content-relevant); more importantly how they can help reduce your site’s bounce rate and in turn improve your chances for a conversion. We’ll show you how to create a sidebar, along with widgets that show your visitors exactly what they want to see based on the topic or content of the current page or post. What Is Bounce Rate?
Before I show you how to reduce bounce rate by displaying content-relevant sidebars and widgets, let’s first define bounce rate.
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of site visitors who enter and leave rather than staying to explore other pages on your website. To reduce bounce rate you need to increase engagement, and this tells you much about your site’s usability. When a visitor finds your content useful, they stay and are willing to explore the site for even more useful content. This, in turn, gives you a higher conversion rate. The longer your visitors stay on your site, the greater the likelihood for more sales, sign-ups, and ad revenue.
Of course, you want them to stay longer, so you must have something that will stop them from leaving too


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