Monday, 26 September 2016

How Important Is Multilingualism in WordPress

The internet, by its own nature, has allowed millions of people to connect worldwide. Just think that 40% of the world population uses the internet everyday. Online knowledge and information sharing has become crucial for human development. Having information available in your native language will to an extent determine how involved you can be with the online world. That’s why encouraging multilingualism and cultural diversity in WordPress should be at the top of our list. Everyone, should therefore be able to have access to a multilingual internet, and in turn to a multilingual WordPress. As WordPress is on the rise, with approximately 1 in 4 websites being run on WordPress, increasing multilingualism in WordPress can have a huge overall effect on the online cultural diversity worldwide. Here is an approximation of how internet users have increased since the year 2000.
With over 3 billion daily internet users, you can only imagine how many languages are spoken online. So, how many are being catered for? UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) talk about linguistic diversity and they have concluded that,
Many languages are not present on the Internet.


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