Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Increase the Size of Your Mailing List by Offering Free Downloads

Newsletter mailings are the most effective online communication system to get customers on your site. And as Campaign Monitor Stats show: Email marketing drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search and social. There are (still) more email users then social media users online and it’s often seen as the channel, where business is conducted. Your message doesn’t need to compete with a friends vacation pictures and cute cat videos, the contents are read rather intimately instead. Therefore, click through rates are much higher than on social media, keyword ads or banner marketing. But, you also lose about 20 – 25% of your subscribers every year. Email addresses get abandoned, users change their provider and subscribers opt out. Therefor you constantly need to find new interested readers.
The Correlation Between Free Downloads and Email Recipients
Content marketing is the best strategy to get readers on your website and to have them sign up to your newsletter. You place your email opt-in form at the right spot, assemble convincing hub pages and your readers are likely to subscribe. But let’s be honest, there is a content creation rat
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13477/increase-the-size-of-your-mailing-list-by-offering-free-downloads

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/increase-the-size-of-your-mailing-list-by-offering-free-downloads/

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