Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Best types of advertisements for WordPress websites

Generating an online revenue stream can be paramount to the success of your WordPress website. Despite the recent rise in popularity of a great variety of ad blocking software and services, website advertisements are still the best method for you to deploy if you are to at least cover operating costs. Image Source: Falkenpost – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain
There are a wide-range of different types of advertisements for your WordPress website to choose from, each bringing its own set of benefits. Fortunately for WordPress users, implementing the various advertising options into your WordPress website is easy. Let’s explore them in detail.
Types of Advertisements
Image Source: senjinpojskic – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain
Choosing the right type of advertising for your WordPress website can have a dramatic effect on the income you generate. On the other hand, implementing the wrong type of advertisement could harm your chances of maximizing profit. Now let us quickly take a look at the four most common and popular types of advertisements that anyone can deploy on their WordPress website.
1 – Cost-Per-Click Advertising
Cost-Per-Click advertisements,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13879/best-types-of-advertisements-for-wordpress-websites

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/22/best-types-of-advertisements-for-wordpress-websites/

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