Monday, 21 November 2016

Will You Still Need a Child Theme With WordPress 4.7?

WordPress 4.7 is slated to arrive in early December 2016. While a lot of new features will roll out with the latest version of WordPress — the new Twenty Seventeen default theme, thumbnail previews for PDF uploads, and more — it’s the custom CSS editor added to the WordPress Customizer that caught my eye. The question this new feature raises is this: can WordPress users stop using child themes now that CSS customization is built right into the WordPress core?
I took WordPress 4.7 beta release 3 for a spin and tried out the CSS editor so that I could answer this question. I’m happy to report back that the answer is, maybe.
To get the full scoop, read on. I’ll explain the purpose child themes serve, show you how the CSS editor built into Customizer performs, and help you decide if WordPress 4.7 is the version that will finally let you stop worrying about using a child theme.
Let’s get to it.
Why is Using a Child Theme Recommended?
Anyone who knows anything about WordPress development recommends using a child theme if you plan to tinker with your WordPress theme, and we’re no exception:
Child themes allow you to add custom code to a WordPress theme


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