Currently, the commands for cloning and merging only work locally, meaning that you cannot, out of the box, create a staging environment on a different server. That is often desirable so I’m going to show how you can achieve that today with a little bit of scripting. By the way, if you want staging for your WP site to be really easy and don’t want to mess with CLI scripts, we’re close to releasing a beta of something interesting in this space. Email me at to join the Insider program.
Understanding the (non-)magic
Even though seeing two databases merge seamlessly feels like magic, the process is quite straightforward:
Git repositories are pushed / pulled between the two site clones, e.g., production and staging.
wp vp apply-changes is called to update the database on the target environment.
That’s it. Whenever you’re going to script remote workflows, keep these two core steps in mind.
Now let’s move on to some real-world examples.
Example 1: Team work via GitHub
You are a developer and have a colleague, Jane, who helps with design and copywriting. You both want to work on the site in parallel and manage the team work via a private
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