Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Nicks Adams of The WP Crowd and Revault Media Joins WP Buffs

It’s my pleasure to announce that Nick Adams has joined WP Buffs as our new Lead Happiness Buff. Nick is one of the founding members of The WP Crowd, the Founder of Revault Media and organizer of WordCamp Rochester. Booyah! Nick founded Revault Media in 2013 as a company making websites for non-profits and then moved on to for-profit companies in 2014. He’s also one of the founding members and major contributor of The WP Crowd and a regular WordCamp speaker.
If that wasn’t impressive enough, Nick’s also started two WordPress meetups – WordPress Hartford in 2013 and WordPress London, Canada in 2014. In addition to in-person WordPress community connections, he was also an admin of the Facebook groups Advanced WordPress (29,000 members) and WordPress Hosting (6,400 members). Nick also created, and still is the admin of, WordPress Help for Beginners (7, 400 members) where he helps provide help to beginner users as they start their WordPress adventure.
When Nick’s not designing, developing or supporting with WordPress, he’s often found playing soccer, guitar, biking and disc golf or experiencing new hipster food/coffee hot-spots with wife Amy.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16089/nicks-adams-of-the-wp-crowd-and-revault-media-joins-wp-buffs

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/09/12/nicks-adams-of-the-wp-crowd-and-revault-media-joins-wp-buffs/

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