Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Creating Custom Post Types Layouts in Divi & Interlinking Them with CPT-onomies

We recently had the law firm of Hepworth Holzer become a WordXpress member. Their site looked and worked great for visitors and SEO. Unfortunately it was a bit of a pain to update content, especially if we wanted to add a new block of content to a page or something. It required first creating a new block for that content in Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. Then going in and modifying the custom-built-theme’s code to display that new block of content. We recognize that a lot of developers set things up like this, and it’s a great system. We manage a number of WordPress sites that are setup this way. However, it can be difficult for someone else who’s taking over the site, to find and figure out where to add the new code, etc. Adding a new block of content and getting it to look nice can take hours if the theme isn’t well setup or isn’t commented well. In contrast, with a theme or plugin that uses a visual or block-based editor like Divi or Elementor, that same content addition might only take 5 or 10 minutes.
Part 1 – The Why, What, and How of CPT’s
First, let’s look at why, what, and how of Custom Post Types. This will establish the
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18375/creating-custom-post-types-layouts-in-divi-interlinking-them-with-cpt-onomies

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/02/12/creating-custom-post-types-layouts-in-divi-interlinking-them-with-cpt-onomies/

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