Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Let’s create a more female-friendly world! • Marieke van de Rakt

Yoast is a big fan of diversity. Despite of that, our company faced some rather unpleasant tweets in the last few weeks. In this blogpost, I have written down how I personally feel about that: as a CEO, as a woman and as a wife. The message I would like to send is that I am hopeful we can create an atmosphere at conferences that is friendly for all people, regardless of their gender. I am hopeful that we achieve this together – with everybody in the tech industry- one step at the time! For all of you who do not know what I am talking about: during our YoastCon conference there was a tweetstorm. Some people send out old tweets that Joost de Valk, our founder and one of the owners of Yoast had sent before we founded our company. The tweets contained some film material from SEOktoberfest and some replies to tweets Yoast sent to women. To complicate matters even further: Joost is also my husband.
It is hard to describe the nature of the tweets. I don’t want to make it bigger nor smaller than they are. Check out the #yoastcon on twitter if you want to form your own opinion.
Joosts’ twitter-handle was the @yoast account back then. Our company did not exist, but the twitter-handle
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18383/let-s-create-a-more-female-friendly-world-marieke-van-de-rakt

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/02/19/lets-create-a-more-female-friendly-world-%e2%80%a2-marieke-van-de-rakt/

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