Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Dev Shortie: Rules For Your Redesign

There are a large number of considerations that need to be addressed before you redesign or rebuild your website. I’ve written many things on the subject in long form, but I thought it might be helpful to break these down into a quick-to-absorb “Dev Shortie.” None of these considerations are outside the realm of common sense, but the excitement of redesign opportunities that become available when building a fresh website can make us tend to forget why we need something new or who we’re doing it for. So, let’s get into it. These are the rules for your redesign.
Rule 1: Have a Reason.
Have a valid reason for your redesign. “I want something new,” isn’t a valid reason. “Our current website is not accessible,” and, “We don’t have a mobile responsive design,” are valid reasons.
Keep in mind that the level of redesign should be in line with the weight of the reason. For example, “We’ve completely changed our identity and branding,” would carry more thought, weight, and work compared to, “We have accessibility contrast issue on our current site.” You must address accordingly.
Rule 2:
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18399/dev-shortie-rules-for-your-redesign

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/dev-shortie-rules-for-your-redesign/

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