Tuesday, 1 November 2016

How premium DNS can help you prevent your WP site from going down

You’ve probably heard the term “premium DNS” thrown around before and maybe you didn’t give it a second thought. Most people know that using a premium DNS provider can help them but don’t take the initiative to implement it, or perhaps don’t know how. On October 21, 2016, the largest DDoS attack in history occurred, bringing down large companies such as PayPal, Spotify, Twitter, Reddit, and eBay. Some are even calling it the DNS Doomsday of the internet. Today we want to dive into how a premium DNS provider can help you in situations like these, if setup correctly, and prevent your WordPress site from going down.
What is DNS?
DNS (Domain Name System) is the backbone of the internet. You can think of it like a phone book for the world wide web. Every website and domain you visit are all mapped to an IP address.
When you type Google.com into your address bar, a DNS query is performed by your ISP to request the nameservers associated with the domain. The mapping to the IP address is then done behind the scenes by the server which allows you to then use the domain name to access it. Without DNS you would have to type something like to get
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13733/how-premium-dns-can-help-you-prevent-your-wp-site-from-going-down

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/how-premium-dns-can-help-you-prevent-your-wp-site-from-going-down/

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