Friday, 26 January 2018

Designing a system: WordPress REST API endpoints

Let’s talk about the WordPress REST API. It’s been around for a little while now, and you might have even started using it in your projects. After all, a lot of us are trying to get more into JavaScript. (Zac Gordon has built a great course if you’re looking to get into it.) But that doesn’t mean that the standard WordPress REST API will be good enough for your project. There’s a good chance that you’ll need to extend it so that you can do more with it. And that’s done using PHP even if you’re working with JavaScript. (Sorry JavaScript lovers!)
That means that this is still a great excuse to use object-oriented programming with WordPress. (Yay!) In fact, it’s an excellent opportunity to piece different object-oriented concepts together. This will let us design a system to extend the WordPress REST API!
If you’re already familiar with the WordPress REST API, you might know that it already has a class called WP_REST_Controller. You might be wondering why we’re not just using that class and moving on. Well, that’s a good question that’s worth discussing!
If you look at the code for the WP_REST_Controller class,


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