Tuesday, 16 January 2018

What are the best WordPress Plugins for your Small Business?

WordPress is an open source platform that powers (according to :.com) over 50% of the entire Internet, and 37% of of the top 10,000 websites. That is a lot of WordPress, but don’t let that dismay you from using it. There is a reason so many businesses choose to use WordPress, and it may be the right solution for your small business. One of the best features about WordPress is the fact that there are many plugins, which are pieces of functionality that can be added to a website with as little as a few clicks. Need some new feature to meet your business objectives? Chances are you’ll find a plugin that meets at least some of that goal. So which plugins are the best? No, we aren’t going to list any plugins here, unlike many other “WordPress Top X Lists” we are not here to show you who the popular kids are and suggest you only use their plugins, but rather we are going to look at a few categories of plugins you need to have installed and activated.
Your Small Business Needs a Form Plugin
Right off the bat, if your small business is using WordPress or is about to start using WordPress, do not forget about a contact form, it is crucial for any business to help
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16951/what-are-the-best-wordpress-plugins-for-your-small-business

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/01/16/what-are-the-best-wordpress-plugins-for-your-small-business/

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