Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Client Work Slowing Down? You’re Not the Only One.

I’ve had a few conversations lately with friends who build WordPress websites for clients, and I was surprised to hear all of them say things have slowed down. I thought at first it might just be a certain segment, or maybe just the smaller shops. I asked around and it seems this slowdown is affecting everyone from 2 person shops to a 100+ employee agencies. This information is coming straight from the shop owners.
The biggest question I wondered is: why?
I believe there are several factors, some of which are obvious. There is one that surprised me, but it makes total sense when you hear it.
Let’s look at why there’s a slowdown, what it means, and what is growing instead.
Saturation and Slowing of WordPress Growth
When you look at the big data sites like w3techs or builtwith, it doesn’t look like WordPress growth is slowing. However, I’m not sure how those sites collect their data, how accurate it is, or what we can infer from the data.
Just because there are more WordPress sites doesn’t mean there is more money flowing into the ecosystem. They could be mostly hobby sites that will never pay a dime, who knows. As website builders like Squarespace,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17515/client-work-slowing-down-you-re-not-the-only-one

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/06/12/client-work-slowing-down-youre-not-the-only-one/

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