Saturday, 30 June 2018

How to Boost Conversions on Your WooCommerce Product Pages

Getting a massive amount of traffic but no one is buying? It’s every online store’s dream to have a huge influx of visitors but without them making purchases and converting into customers, all your efforts bringing them in will just be wasted. This is why your online store’s conversion rate is an essential metric to measure the success of your work and improve your WooCommerce store’s performance.
What is a Conversion Rate?
In a nutshell, a conversion rate is the percentage of visits which resulted in desired eCommerce actions. A lot of times we think of this as sales, but a conversion could include a lot of different things. Typical eCommerce actions include the following:
Email subscriptions
Social media shares
Shopping cart additions
Form submissions
Product purchases
All the above types are important and should matter to you. But, in this article, we’ll focus on boosting conversions on your WooCommerce product pages that will help turn visitors into actual paying customers.
Measuring Conversion Rates
Boosting your product page conversions will drive your most desired eCommerce action of all: sales. But, how do you calculate your conversion rate?


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