Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Mullenweg announced Gutenberg Roadmap – Gutenberg Times

At WordCamp Europe, co-founder of WordPress and CEO of Automattic, Matt Mullenweg, laid out the roadmap Gutenberg will go for the next three months. For the rest of June, the development team will work on the few issues and features that are identified to land in the first core version.
In July more users will be able to use Gutenberg on wordpress.com as well as on self-hosted WordPress sites via a Try Gutenberg prompt in a future 4.9.x version.
In August, the team will work on bug fixes and the merge proposal to land in WordPress Core. Mullenweg said that after one hundred thousand users and two hundered fifty thousand blog posts, Gutenberg could be ready to be released with WordPress 5.0 as soon as August. He also stress he is not making any promises, though.
A summer with Gutenberg is better, than a summer without it.
Matt Mullenweg
The Gutenberg Roadmap
June 2018
Freeze new features into Gutenberg
Hosts, agencies and teachers invited to opt-in sites they have influence over.
Opt-in for wp-admin users on WP.com
Mobile App support in the Aztec editor across iOs and Android.
July 2018
4.9.x release with a strong invitation to install either Gutenberg or Classic Editor plugin
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17530/mullenweg-announced-gutenberg-roadmap-gutenberg-times

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/06/19/mullenweg-announced-gutenberg-roadmap-gutenberg-times/

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