Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Announcing WordPress on .NET

After months of implementing the required PHP functionality in Peachpie, our platform is now finally ready to run a larger real-world application: WordPress. Announcing WordPress on .NET
The popular Phalanger project already proved that running a virtually unmodified clone of WordPress on Microsoft .NET is possible. Still the solution had its issues and was not compatible with new WordPress releases. Now the successor to Phalanger, Peachpie, is also able to run WordPress as a fully managed application on .NET and .NET Core.
Please consider this a proof of concept and keep in mind that Peachpie is still a work in progress. We do not recommend using this in a production environment yet. Our primary objective with this announcement is to prove that Peachpie really is compatible with the standard PHP used in WordPress and to demonstrate its benefits.
There are several reasons why it is desirable to run WordPress on .NET:
Performance: compiled code is fast and also optimized by the .NET ‘Jitter’ for your actual system. Additionally, the .NET performance profiler may be used to resolve bottlenecks.
C# Extensibility: plugin functionality can be implemented in a separate
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14479/announcing-wordpress-on-net

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/28/announcing-wordpress-on-net/

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