Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Get Wisdom – data capture for plugin developers

One day, I found myself staring at my plugin’s page in the WordPress directory, wondering why there was such a difference between the number of downloads recorded and the number of active installations. I looked around and it appeared to be the same story for every plugin. The information on the Statistics tab seemed so limited and gave me no real clue as to what was going on. So I decided to create a tool to help. Wisdom is, I think, the first WordPress plugin that allows plugin developers to gather and analyse meaningful data on how their plugins are being used. If you’re a plugin developer, you embed some Wisdom code into your plugin which will then transmit data back to your website. Your website collects all the data and presents it to you through filterable charts.
How do you currently measure how your plugins are used?
Let’s say that you are a plugin author. Perhaps you have a few plugins on the WordPress.org repository that you have released to the community after you developed them for some client work. Alternatively, you might sell plugins as a sideline or main business, either through a freemium model, via marketplaces like Code Canyon, or via your own site.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14478/get-wisdom-data-capture-for-plugin-developers

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/28/get-wisdom-data-capture-for-plugin-developers/

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