Tuesday, 21 February 2017

How to Optimize ThemeForest Landing Page – Elite Authors Chip In

When first jumping on the Envato train as a theme author, no one really knows where the rails are heading. There are no manuals or steps to follow that would guarantee the success of your ThemeForest themes. What’s even worse, the word goes that for those too late to the Envato party, the train has long left the station. At ThemeIsle, we’ve recently submitted two new themes to ThemeForest. Not much to brag about yet, though, we’re still trying to figure things out (read: not too many sales coming our way yet).
Right after the first theme was up, we’ve begun working on improving our landing/item page to make it convert better. At the end of the day, a ThemeForest landing page works just like any other landing page, doesn’t it?
Well, at least that was the assumption.
So I searched the web for some answers, looked for the best practices among theme developers, what is crucial and what isn’t when building the perfect ThemeForest landing page. But, surprise, surprise … this is not a hot subject. Almost no info at all on how to go about optimizing your ThemeForest landing page.
For a marketer, this was quite puzzling. Why isn’t anyone sharing?
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14428/how-to-optimize-themeforest-landing-page-elite-authors-chip-in

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/21/how-to-optimize-themeforest-landing-page-elite-authors-chip-in/

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